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School Security and Access Control

Writer's picture: AES GlobalAES Global

School Security and Access Control

It is important to be well informed of School Security Policies and there are several websites nationally and globally explaining and detailing good security procedures and assessments.

Our AES products can assist in school site security and as advised in external recommendations intercoms and slave devices are an efficient and effective way to increase site security.

Points to consider when accessing school security:

Is the perimeter secure?

Is the external environment secure?

Are the buildings secure?

Are the contents secure?

School security is ever changing and needs to be kept under constant review, with vulnerable areas identified and remedial actions implemented to address them.

No two schools are identical, and the design of the buildings and the layout of the site will differ from school to school. However, many of the issues revolving around security are generic including access points.

Our intercoms and access control products can assist in many areas of school security. A few points to be highlighted are as follows:

The school perimeter will require access points in the form of gates with approved locking mechanisms and controls.

Main entrances for vehicles and pedestrian access points preferably overlooked by the school office or reception. In many cases this is not always possible or manually watch the access points continuously without the need for a security guard.

Secondary access points like service and delivery entrances should be locked and monitored.

Car parks may require barrier or gate automation to assist in allowing controlled access for authorized vehicles.

The main entrance door to the school should incorporate some degree of access control such as a remote electronic lock release device incorporating an intercom and visual verification.

Other entrance points should be kept locked to prevent them being opened from the outside but able to be unlocked from the inside in the event of an emergency.

It is essential to have clear facial recognition to identify an offender and for subsequent evidential use.

The main areas for coverage of CCTV are entrances, IT suites, offices, locations with little natural surveillance and circulation areas, both inside and out.

Visitors to the school should not be allowed to wander about the school unaccompanied.

All staff are to wear ID badges and anyone not wearing a badge should be challenged. Staff should have access codes or prox devices to access specific areas of the school.

Good access control is essential to the security of the school during the school day. Procedures should be in place to ensure that, no one is able to access without authorization.

Our product features and controls will aid in school security:

We have several intercoms that can be controlled remotely giving either audio or/and visual communication. Our video intercoms and intercoms with cameras increases security.

From our control panels either mobile or static you can answer calls and operate the opening and locking of gates and doors using a door intercom or gate intercom.

You can view who entered where and when via their unique PROX or entry code used which are stored in an activity log.

Activity logs and message alerts will assist in the monitoring of access points giving data on who and when operated an access point.

We offer prox cards and codes for intercoms and slave devices like keypads and prox reading units that can be installed on staff areas or restricted areas. Each employee can be given a unique code or prox keyring or card to operate doors and gates.

Our video intercoms can be installed at key entrances so the outside visitor can communicate directly with school receptions or specific employees who control access.

Extra CCTV cameras can be installed to several of our intercoms adding additional visual recording of key areas.

We can allocate up to 1200 individual pass codes each being customizable to allow access to specific areas.

All our products can be integrated with door and gate electronic locking mechanisms and can be controlled via a mobile app or static internal control unit.

Schedules and timed access features can be enabled to allow automatic opening and closing of access points. For example, the main gates can be scheduled to open between 08:45 and 09:15 to allow students to enter. After 09:15 the intercom will need to be used to gain entrance either by a pass code or by calling directly to a designated employee to allow access.

Having the ability to control several access points incase of a school lockdown can be achieved with dedicated systems.

We offer several technologies to include hardwired, wireless, wifi and cellular products. Wireless intercom systems are popular allowing great access control in addition to electric gate openers or automated gate openers.

For more information on our products follow this link:

To make contact and talk over your requirements follow this link:



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